Cucuna – bug my life


Design: Xenia Lange
Location: Germany
Project Type: Student Project
School: HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim
Course: Grafikdesign
Verw. Prof.: Mathias Rebmann
Professor: Roman Bittner
Packaging Contents: Confectionary, Chocolate, Sweets, Insects
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Biodegradable Cardboard, biodegradable plastics

Experts suggest insects as an alternative and sustainable source of protein.

Yet there’s still a long way ahead until insect cuisine can become a part of our daily diet since many western consumers have troubles with overcoming negative bias.

The idea is to lure skeptics in by appealing to their sweet tooth and awaken curiosity for exotic insect confectionary. The four cute insectivores demonstrate that insects as food can be sweet, as well as delicious.

For a thoroughly sustainable concept, the packaging is 100% biodegradable. It offers information on entomophagy all around the world as well as tips for a sustainable lifestyle on the inside of the pack.

Student project/ Bachelor’s Thesis
The challenging part of the project was to find an approach of visual style and communication that would sell the idea of eating insects into becoming something enjoyable and fun, and paving the way for a more sustainable way of eating. As for now the more adventurous recognize entomophagy as some exotic experience that cultures all around keep as part of a long tradition, something tourists may be able to bring home as a souvenir and share with friends.

Cucuna has been created as a sort of collection of confectionary from four different regions of the planet, each individual in style, taste, and source of ingredients.
The illustrations have been drawn digitally and by hand. The packs feature animal insectivores that are rare and endangered, as well as plants that also practice entomophagy and patterns from the different regions of the world.