Klio offers a range of all-natural Greek mountain teas as well as rare honey collected on the island of Ikaria. Rich in health benefits, their tea has a unique earthy flavor thanks to single varietal herbs that avoid flavor infusions, while the honey is pure and unpasteurized, and provides a sweet compliment to the tea. Klio came to us for a brand refresh to capture the health benefits and all-natural taste of their products in a subtle, modest design.
Lowercase, rounded letters make the wordmark friendly and welcoming. A customized “i” with an herbal flower design provides a not-so-subtle reference to the product and gives the mark a slightly feminine appeal.
We developed an ownable illustration style by taking a modern twist on traditional Greek folk art, trading the Mediterranean blue colorfor a mellow green hue.
For the honey line we created a central square label over a background field of modern illustrations.
Inviting photography captures the rich flavors and encourages viewers to take a sip. A modern approach to photography complements the modern style of the packaging.