Everyone who has seen himself in the mirror in the morning will immediately understand the basic idea of this concept. After all, our face in the early hours can look different. But usually, especially after a sleepless night or a fun holiday, or a long party, it can be a little wrinkled. And it can retain marks from a pillow or a crumpled blanket. Such a wrinkled face can be a little funny when we have both the eye in the wrong place and the mouth on the side. This was the main idea for the design of these face masks. They are designed specifically to solve this problem.
The design is based on drawings drawn by hand and translated into vector format. Each drawing is unique, does not repeat and corresponds to different types of masks. The shape of the silhouette of each drawing has clear angular contours, while other elements: eyes, nose, mouth have softer and more delicate outlines. This speaks of femininity and beauty and softens the effect of the incorrect position of the elements.
The main color is the natural flesh color of the skin, which speaks of the natural beauty of a person. And such soft shades are associated with human skin. The project uses the GRAPHIC font from TYPE.TODAY.