Design for tea with functional additions of organic herbs and fruits

«Horn­sey» is a premi­um line of teas with func­tion­al ad­dit­ives of or­gan­ic herbs and fruits that help main­tain vig­or, im­prove per­form­ance and im­prove the phys­ic­al and emo­tion­al state of a per­son. When de­vel­op­ing the pack­aging design, the main com­pon­ents were vivid im­ages com­piled in a num­ber of il­lus­tra­tions. In the en­tire line of teas, the im­age of a bi­cycle is a meta­phor­ic­al ex­pres­sion of the ac­cel­er­ated pace of life with rap­idly chan­ging goals, ob­ject­ives and im­pres­sions, which is so fa­mil­i­ar to res­id­ents of large cit­ies.

Cheer tea pack­aging design in­cludes an il­lus­tra­tion of a roost­er in cor­al red. This bird sym­bol­izes high vig­or and pro­ductiv­ity in hu­mans, which is in­her­ent in it even at a very early rise. The design of the tea pack­aging, con­trib­ut­ing to the pre­ser­va­tion of light­ness and en­ergy throughout the day, is made in blue tones, and the im­age of a fly­ing fish is its cent­ral ele­ment. For tea in­ten­ded to re­plen­ish lost strength, the pack­aging design in­cludes an ori­gin­al il­lus­tra­tion with the im­age of a wasp, high­lighted in or­ange.

All types of products are sup­plied with ori­gin­al as­so­ci­at­ive phrases ex­press­ing their prop­er­ties. In the visu­al concept of pack­aging, back­grounds with gradi­ent col­or trans­itions give mod­ern­ity and rel­ev­ance to the design. The ne­ces­sary ele­ments of tra­di­tion for tea pack­aging have found their ex­pres­sion in the en­grav­ing style of il­lus­tra­tions and in the design of the lower block of in­form­a­tion.

The brand’s logo is made us­ing a font that em­bod­ies a mod­ern re­think­ing of his­tor­ic Brit­ish ty­po­graphy. It is com­ple­men­ted by a styl­ized branch with leaves, sym­bol­iz­ing the or­gan­ic ori­gin of the in­gredi­ents that make up the en­tire «Horn­sey» premi­um range of teas.