Algenib Red Wine Label Design

Supremum Design

Re­gion del Sur is the cold­est of Chile’s wine-pro­du­cing re­gions, where, thanks to the tem­per­ate cli­mate closest to that of France, wine­makers pro­duce the most el­eg­ant and soph­ist­ic­ated wines. The main design theme chosen in the design of la­bels for the Al­gen­ib red wine lines refers to as­tro­nomy and the le­gend of the myth­ic­al winged horse Pe­gas­us. The design of the la­bel is cre­ated in an un­der­lined clas­sic­al style. A coat of arms was de­veloped for him, com­bin­ing vines and a shield de­pict­ing a con­stel­la­tion. The font logo was de­signed on the basis of an an­ti­qua with the ad­di­tion of ex­press­ive and dy­nam­ic ex­tern­al ele­ments. The design also fea­tures bronze foil stamp­ing, which pairs beau­ti­fully with the muted tones that dif­fer­en­ti­ate the wines by the vari­ety of grapes used in their pro­duc­tion.