The request consisted of designing a brand and creating a name and packaging for a pisco cream that would be sold in the international market. It had to be competitive with other liquors in the same category such as Amarula or Baileys, with the disadvantage that pisco is not as recognized as whiskey.
Objective: The product is perceived as an alternative to Baileys or Amarula in the international market but that refers to its origin, Peru. The packaging had to transmit history and class but at the same time, it had to feel accessible.
Solution: We took as inspiration Chabuca Granda’s song “La Flor de la Canela” since it was an expression that was formerly used in Peru to talk about exquisiteness. Within Chabuca’s verses, we find the phrase “She shed smoothness and in her walk, she left the aroma of a mixture that she carried on her chest…” to express grace, which is why we named the product “Lisura.”For the packaging design, we painted the bottles black and created a flower-woman as a character that represents the silkiness of the cream, done by the renowned tattoo artist @anaartesanatattoosAll information is printed with serigraphy. We also painted the base of the bottle with a gold airbrush so that the bottle has two colors and emulates the mixture of the cream with the pisco.