Soho Whisky Co – Act One


London, UK

Welcome to the Show

5HT were asked to brand and design Soho Whisky Co, a new independent bottler blending grain Scotch whisky for a welcoming experience in modern whisky.

The whisky market is changing with a younger and more diverse audience. They are less interested in whisky’s intimidating austere values of heritage, provenance and tradition. 5HT positioned Soho Whisky Co ready for this new audience. The brand celebrates the people, their environment and the memories they create through whisky.

The brand’s illustrations show our friends gallivanting through Soho, framed by the unique architectural fenestration. Product information is delivered through famous Soho signage. The classic neon sign ‘Girls Girls Girls’ becomes ‘Grain Grain Grain’, the ubiquitous blue plaque celebrates our offering and tasting notes are delivered on a poster pinned to a Georgian door.

The illustration’s narrative represents our personable, yet sophisticated, metropolitan values. And it is a reflection of our founders’ love for Soho and its idiosyncrasies.

The whisky is co-founded and owned by actor and comedian Jack Whitehall. He describes the whisky as:

A marriage of three Scotch Whisky casks, this kinky threesome is a perfect blend. Two of the barrels, to use a technical term, are the absolute tits. Properly aged, year wise we’re talking too old for Leonardo di Caprio. They come from a now demolished distillery in Glasgow. To balance this age with youth, the other is from a distillery in the Scottish Highlands which as far as we are aware is still standing.

The result is a whisky with more floral elegance than the winner of the Chelsea Flower Show and a finish that is as silky and smooth as a Michael Bublé vocal. Bringing grain whisky its sexy back, this blend has the richness of crumbling pastry with notes of buttercream and vanilla pods. It’s like liquid shortbread. All finished with floral orchard honey and zesty citrus to give you a little slap round the face.

Best enjoyed neat or add a dash of water, administered via pipette, if you’re a full-blown whisky bore. If you really have to you can even chuck in an ice cube. No judgement here.