The Offices

What’s fresher than Han Solo, Allen Iverson and Sailor Moon all put together for consumer consumption? You guessed it, it’s our new identity and packaging for Tummy Gummies.

The healthy snack market is crowded with lookalike bars and balls. But Tummy Gummies is different (no really). Their natural fruit gummies are so clean and natural they’re ranged in the chilled section of the store. That is Fresh!

We used bombastic simplicity along with a juxtaposition of modern snack saturation and the earnest messaging of yesteryear to deliver the only gummies you keep in your fridge. Our proposition of ‘Snack Better, Live Well’ will be the rallying cry of generations to come.

The approach is paying off, with retailers loving them and customers snapping them off the shelves. Visit our website to see the project in full effect.