Golden Dessert Premium Chocolate


Unique taste and nothing superfluous: packaging design of a line of two types of premium chocolate.
The chocolate brand “Golden Dessert” turned to Modern World Studio with the task of developing a packaging design for a line of premium chocolate. Our team emphasized the sophistication of the product and its exclusivity.


The design we made matches the luxury of this high-end chocolate. The metal packaging gives it hints of inaccessibility and inspires confidence that this is not just a dessert, but a temptation worthy of a special occasion and a gift to a dear person. This move allowed us not only to distinguish the product, but also to create a packaging atypical for the segment.

Intricate typography, gold elements and graphics that naturally follow the chocolate bar underline the premium styling of the design.

The elements that correspond to the leaves of the cocoa tree create pleasant associations for chocolate with a dense and pure taste, created from natural cocoa without impurities. The small gold gift element and the clean look complete the idea of exclusivity of the product designed for exclusive events.