Owner, creative director: Vladimir Fedoseev
Art director: Arina Yushkevich
Strategy: Daria Sholomitskaya
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Yarmarka trade house
Location: St.-Petersburg, Russia
Clean and clear.
These days people are having mixed feelings about grains in cooking bags. On the one hand, bags are quick and user-friendly but, on the other hand, a customer has no chance to assess their quality: specks and spots, fragmented kernels, color and smell. For this reason the most people prefer grains in a traditional package which they can feel, see and assess.
:OTVETDESIGN together with “Yarmarka” Trading House change the terms. The agency created a brand new packaging for grains in cooking bags which clearly states the quality of the product.
The major advantage of “Yarmarka” Trading House is a total control over the production process. Before packaging the grains come through five cleaning steps. To show that everything is clean and clear there we placed a graphic drawing of a bag combined with the real image of grain. A pattern made of the smoothly spooned grain in the background underlines the quality of the product where not a grain out of place. We put infographics about how to cook grains in a right way on the front side of the packaging and, thus, united two main benefits for a customer – quality and ease of cooking.
As the result we achieved the main targets of the brand by showing that grains in cooking bags can be trustworthy. And what is cooked fast can be delish and of high quality. After all, “Yarmarka” means grains of a clear quality.