Designer: Karin Hilgenkamp
Project Type: Student Project
School: ArtEZ hogeschool voor de kunsten
Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Almost every product sold today comes in packaging. Once we consume the product the packaging becomes worthless and is usually thrown in the garbage.
To combat this wasteful trend of disposable packaging I designed a different and sustainable method of packing a product, in this case a DSLR camera.
The basic idea is; to keep the packaging alive after it’s primary use. After you’ve finished unpacking the camera from it’s box for the first time you can “press out” the perforated sides of the outer cardboard and discover your user manual behind it. This gives you a collection of 5 small books you can then store inside another component of the camera packaging for easy storage.
By re-using almost all of the material in the original packaging this makes for a very sustainable and durable design method.