Gloria Black Edition

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Derrick Lin

Agency: Studio Libre
Head of Creative: Darius Kisielius
Designers: Arturas Kirslys, Lina Vaitiekunaite, Aliona Bobin
Account Manager: Donatas Kliunka
STUMBRAS Head of Product Development: Jurate Paulauskiene
Photography: Audrius Tuleikis
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Stumbras
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Packaging Content: Brandy
Packaging Material: Painted glass bottle

Gloria is a classic brandy produced according to an old French brandy traditional methods. Gloria is aimed at young, elegant, sophisticated women.

This Christmas Gloria was launching a limited edition brandy for consumers looking for special experiences. The packaging design and communication is aimed at active business women who at the same time don’t forget, love and take care of her family.

During the creative process, it was especially important to create something feminine, ornate, extraordinary and rich. The year-end holidays come one after another and perfectly reveal true woman’s nature when warmth and care intertwine with celebration and luxury.

Exactly that was an inspiration for the new design. To embody all this atmosphere and personality, we covered the bottle with black as a symbol of woman dressing during the Eve. Moreover, the feathered details on the label work as a metaphor for jewellery and accessories.

As a person, the product is warm, cozy inside and rich, graceful outward. What is more, the quality of the design and implementation are exclusive. First we changed the colour of the bottle from clear glass to glossy black. Afterwards, we applied the unique shape label with embossed details, spot varnish and engraving texture, what enriched the overall experience.