Designer: Jenny Nölvand, Anna-Stina Nilsson, Amanda Lindström, Linnea Bondesson
Project Type: Student Project
School: Brobygrafiska
Location: Sweden
Packaging Contents: Sex toys
Packaging Materials: Paper and foam

The brief was to work with a product or business where both the brand and the target group expired the expiration date. Were the brand lost its strength and would benefit from a new packaging design and graphic design.

We chose a brand that sell sex toys, B Swish. We believe that the brand would benefit from a new, more informative look. The previous design with a naked woman, is just degrading against women and their sexuality. We gave them a unisex-line so the brand don’t exclude anyone, and thereby wider their target group. We wanted to take away the taboo and to make everybody feel welcome in the world of sex toys, and to make them sell-able in for instance pharmacies; as a product for your health. Your sexuality is just as important as your health and diet.