Cereal For Adults (Student Project)

Derrick Lin

Designer: Mun Joo Jane
Project Type: Student Project
School: Art Center College of Design
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA

The overview of my packaging was to come up with a design, not for children, but for adults. We are no longer children, so we should design a mature packaging than the original. The challenge of this project was to get out of the stereotype packaging of cereal box. I explored many shapes and came up with two ideas. With dilemma, I have decided to push both concept. The simple solution was to work on both ideas and see how far I can take each idea.

When choosing a brand to work with, I had to choose an appropriate cereal that is suitable for adults because “cheerios” or “trix” would be for children. Another reason why I chose Special K is because I had an urge to change this brand into an unisex design. That is why using this brand, I decided to create a b-line for Kellogg’s called “K+”. K plus creates a positive reptutation and symbol for this packaging. The positive gives a sign of good health and more nutrition. It gives a feeling that if you buy this product than you are making a good decision. My demographics are ambitious and aspiring young adults and adults ranging from age 20-30.