Design Agency: Graphinya
Designer: Igor Kolomiiets
Copywriter: Gennady Chernega
Art-director: Nikolay Kovalenko
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Radyvylivmilk
Location: Ukraine
Packaging Contents: Dairy
Packaging Materials: Paper
Radyvylivmilk is a small dairy manufacturer from the western countryside of Ukraine. They wanted their dairy packaging to be cheap in production, to stand out and to be like no other milk manufacturer. Avoiding all images of cows on grass fields and happy farmers.
After examination of dairy market, dominated by white cartons, and after a bunch of different concepts client settled for a bareboned bright red package, complemented with a stamp of quality and a story. We made sure the package is to be noticed, and let the product do the rest.
We wanted to give the product somewhat retro feel, with simple printing techniques and no need for a milk carton to boast lots of flashy elements.
What’s Unique?
We created a strong brand defining image — our milk received a warm response and it is being called simply “red milk”.