Designer: Vera Nieuwenstein
Project Type: Student Project
School: Willem de Kooning Academy
Course: Packaging Design
Tutor: Eric Nuijten
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Packaging Contents: Cold Pressed Juices
Packaging Materials: Glass, Paper
RE-VEG is a brand that arose with the idea to solve these overarching problems. RE-VEG pays attention to the vegetables that are forgotten (historical vegetables).
Our ancestors were accustomed to these vegetables by having those on their weekly menu. And we want to bring this back.
RE-VEG lets the consumer get re-acquainted with these forgotten vegetables by making cold pressed juices. A way to make something old, hip again.
Because these types of vegetables are not mass production, they come from local farmers who have small harvest, which makes these cold pressed juices 100% organic.
This brand contributes to an feeling of because the consumer will feel that they contribute to the creation of a better world by saving the forgotten vegetables. RE-VEG will ensure that these vegetables return and will be retained with the idea that they may never disappear.
– Worldwide 75% of all crops are extinct in the last century
– More types of crops are likely to extinct or are forgotten
– Reduction of biodiversity (uniformity)
– Little variation of vegetables at grocery stores
– Vegetables are genetically modified and get treated chemically