MYSA – personalized vitamins kits

Veronika Levitskaya

Vibrant, spirited, balanced, full of bright colors and impressions – that’s the world many of us wish for, and the life many of us aspire to live. To achieve one, a great dose of energy, self-confidence and inspiration are necessary.

Mysa, the personalized vitamine kits, are the secret combination of ingredients to complement everyone’s daily efforts for a fully nourished way of living.
Mysa. My saturation. My safety. My sanity.

I created the brand’s identity and packaging, where “saturation” is visually reflected in the design by using a gradient. Additionally, I applied a number of key graphic symbols which imply intersection, blending and mixture, a core feature of the product. Finally, the way I structured letter “S” in the logo implies effective interaction of all Mysa elements.

Veronika Levitskaya


Designer: Veronika Levitskaya
Naming & copywriting: Iliya Vasich
