Quatre Mains bakes Biskids to play with.
With more than 30 years of experience, the Biskids mission is to take the best from nature in a responsible way to bake honest, healthy, and delicious organic biscuits for toddlers and babies. Using only EU certified organic ingredients, no palm oil or artificial additives, these biscuits which are rich in fibre and nutritional benefits, were ripe for a refreshing make-over. Due to a dated look & feel and a business objective to drive the brand further, the time was right to breathe new life into Biskids and reconnect with the modern mothers and kids of today.
The branding specifically was totally reimagined to better convey the brands’ positivity and natural vitality. We also decided that the way to mothers’ hearts was through the happiness of their children and brought this to life through the creation of a playful range of cute little Biskids animals, each integrated with the biscuit story and joyfully bringing a smile to little faces. Additional to this cuddly collection of cute characters we made sure the benefit communication clearly brought home the brands reason-to-believe and guided mums clearly to the right product for their child.