In 2019, more than 50 billion single-use capsules were thrown away, amounting to more than 400 million kilograms of waste!
Cupsoul’s goal is simple: make as many people as possible aware of this issue and influence them to change their way of coffee consumption. We are revolutionizing the way people think about capsuled coffee and bringing the new generation of coffee capsules to our customers. Cupsouls are reusable and ecological capsules 100% made of stainless steel, that will last forever. We save money and at the same time help save the planet and future generations. You can refill and reuse your Cupsoul as much as you want with the coffee you want so you can save up to 85% on your coffee spending while reducing your waste production.
You can reuse your capsules and avoid throwing away hundreds of capsules every year. You can make a lot of savings on your coffee expenses using reusable capsules for years. Cupsoul is made 100% of stainless steel, without bisfenol A (BPA), which makes it non-toxic when hot, contrary to the classical one-shot capsules.
Supporting local businesses by being able to choose any ground coffee. Either from your local roaster or the supermarket.
The capsules are very easy to wash, by hand or in the dishwasher. We also offer you a little brush to wash the capsule more efficiently.