Cap­u­lus Spa­ti­um

Supremum Design

“Cap­u­lus Spa­ti­um” is a brand of ori­gin­al cof­fee of ex­cel­lent qual­ity. Ex­pert as­sess­ment in the se­lec­tion of raw ma­ter­i­als, at­ten­tion to all the nu­ances of the cul­tiv­a­tion, col­lec­tion and stor­age of cof­fee, fo­cus on the eco­logy of places of growth has be­come an un­changed creed of the man­u­fac­turer. A care­ful ap­proach to the se­lec­tion of vari­et­ies, cre­at­ing noble fla­vor com­bin­a­tions, is de­signed for true con­nois­seurs. Nat­ur­al tex­tures that con­vey a sense of en­vir­on­ment­al friend­li­ness and nat­ur­al­ness of the product formed the basis of the visu­al com­pon­ent of the brand.

The pack­aging design is made in cof­fee dark brown. With the help of bright ac­cents, dif­fer­ent types of product are dif­fer­en­ti­ated, and in­ter­spers­ing with sil­ver sur­faces adds soph­ist­ic­a­tion. Se­lec­ted cof­fee is pro­duced in three types: grain, ham­mer and in­stant. Three as­so­ci­at­ive im­ages were chosen for their sep­ar­a­tion in the con­sumer’s per­cep­tion: cof­fee beans are rep­res­en­ted by a sur­face made of pebble stones, ground cof­fee has a par­al­lel with the sandy beach tex­ture, a sol­uble type of cof­fee con­veys an im­age of a wa­ter sur­face with light ripples.