The de­vel­op­ment of pack­aging design for Ivan tea was car­ried out in a light style with soft pas­tel col­ors and a zone of at­mo­spher­ic black and white pho­to­graphy, which con­veys the nat­ur­al­ness and nat­ur­al be­ne­fits of the drink. The up­per zone is ac­cen­ted with a coat of arms with styl­ized im­ages of the Ko­por­skaya fort­ress and a fire­weed flower, which speaks of fol­low­ing tra­di­tions.

Hand-pick­ing plants and care­ful product care at all stages of pro­duc­tion are high­lighted in the pack­aging design with hand­writ­ten script and light cir­cu­lar print. Each type of product has its own shade of col­or and an ac­cen­ted im­age of the plant with which wil­low tea is mixed – this helps the buy­er to quickly make a choice in fa­vor of the de­sired taste.

The com­pos­i­tion of the lower part of the pack­age is quite mod­ern and at the same time does not con­tra­dict the tra­di­tion of the product it­self. It fully cor­res­ponds to the ideas of the tar­get audi­ence.