

What is the best package design? Should it be relevant? Modern-day? We believe it should be close to target audience, speaking one language, preferably, not only about the product itself, but about the consumer either.

On-life is sports nutrition and dietary supplements for those who choose to be included in life.

The brand name outplays the shift in focus from on-line (living in the web) to on-life (being active in life)

The design concept is ironically built on online codes: menu bars, hashtags, stickers, web link underlines and everything that the consumer so often sees on the web.  Bright colors of the backgrounds, geometric illustrations-primitives, layers, as if the animation was paused, all this enhances the feeling of digital.  “Live” emotional names are created to reduce the degree of seriousness and speak the same language with the consumer.

The audience of the product is modern and curious, there are adventurers and dreamers mostly, who do not stand still, but are actively involved in life. The brand is designed not for professional athletes, but for amateurs who take care of their bodies.

P. S. Are you still reading it from the screen?


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