Graphic design is an art form. It’s a way to communicate information, ideas and emotions to others. While it can be done with the use of technology (which I’ll get into later), there are many ways in which creativity is necessary for good design. Nowadays, there seems to be a lot of buzz about AI taking over creative jobs like graphic design and many of my friends are looking to switch jobs to a totally different field. Below are some reasons why you should keep studying graphic design even as AI continues to change the face of our world.

Design is Art
Design is art. Design is not just about what something looks like, but also about how it works and the process of creation. The beauty of designing isn’t just in what you see on the surface; it’s also in how your eyes interact with an object or experience. A designer’s ideas reflect his values, beliefs and personality through his work–and this can be used as a tool for communication.
Designers use tools like color theory, typography and visual hierarchy to convey meaning through images or text (and sometimes both). These elements are used by designers who want their work to be understood by others without having them explain themselves every step along the way–a process known as communication!

Design is Functionality
Design is a function of the human mind, body, soul and imagination. It’s also a process that requires you to think about how you interact with the world around you. Designers have been developing their craft for thousands of years in order to make sense of the world around them through visual language–and they’ll continue doing so until humanity ceases to exist (or at least until AI takes over).
Designers are problem solvers who use technology as their toolset when solving problems–and sometimes those problems can be big! Whether it’s helping cities plan transit routes or designing educational software for kids learning how to read words at the age of five years old; designers work hard every day trying to figure out how humans can live better lives because they believe there’s always room for improvement!
Design Is Ingenuity
Design is a field that requires ingenuity. It’s about finding solutions to problems and making something work in a way that it didn’t before.
Designers are problem-solvers by nature; we’re constantly looking for ways to improve things and make them better. When you start learning graphic design, you’ll learn how to solve these kinds of problems through practice and education–but there will always be more opportunities for you as your career progresses!
Design is Collaboration
Design is a collaboration between the designer and the client.
You have to understand what your client wants, what they need, and how you can meet those needs through design. This requires good communication skills and an ability to understand their perspective as individuals or as part of an organization. You also need to be able to explain things clearly so that people will know what you’re talking about–and this takes practice!
Design is also a collaboration between the designer and the audience.
A lot of people think that good graphic designers just sit around all day making cool stuff for themselves (or maybe just their friends), but that’s not true at all! Good graphic designers know how their work will be used by others–whether it’s printed on paper or projected onto buildings–and they make sure that whatever they create fits within those constraints before releasing it into public view (or private hands). This means understanding technical limitations like resolution size/quality specifications; physical limitations like paper weight/thickness vs cost per unit price point; environmental factors such as humidity levels affecting print quality…you get my point: there are lots of things we have no control over outside ourselves but still effect how well our designs turn out when put into practice!

AI may change the face of graphic design, but it’s not ready to take over just yet.
While AI is a tool that can be used in graphic design, it’s not ready to take over just yet. The idea of machines replacing human workers is a popular one, but when it comes to graphic design and other creative fields like music or writing–fields where creativity is essential–it’s clear that AI isn’t quite there yet.
AI may help with repetitive tasks like color selection and font pairing (which are common problems for novice designers), but it can’t replace the human element of working with clients on their projects or understanding their needs so you know how best to represent them visually through your designs.
There are many reasons to study design, but one of the most important is that it’s a field where you can always find work. Designers are needed in just about every industry imaginable–from healthcare to construction, retail and even food services! And with AI coming on strong as well, there will always be new opportunities for those who want them.