Creaciones El Pollo

Valladolid, España

Matalospardos was the first VI LOF wine classified as a Paraje wine by the Regulatory Council of the D.O. Bierzo.

In this wine what we were trying to tell was the physiognomy of the landscape of the Valtuille de Abajo district. We had to think outside the box in an abstract image that followed the line of the rest of the wines in the winery, but that began to be more serious, with the maturity and serenity that comes with years and experience. Adela and Arturo’s experience with a life at the foot of the vineyard and their knowledge of how each strain breathes and what it feels at every moment. Maturity and calmness combined with the strength and freshness of his sons, Víctor and Hector, who have made a project of that inherited tradition.