Ultreia is the line of Bierzo wines from Raúl Pérez wineries and vineyards. Its name comes from a greeting between pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago. It means “Forward”, “Let’s go further”; very appropriate for a restyling order. For Raúl the center of his activity and his life is Valtuille de Abajo, a district of Villafranca del Bierzo, center of the Bierzo Designation of Origin. A town of barely one hundred inhabitants, on the edge of the Camino de Santiago, where almost everything is vineyard.
Ultreia was one of the wines that earned him the title of best winemaker in the world in 2014 and 2016. The image of the wine was already consolidated and did not need much retouching, just an update to the times. We cleaned the label, slightly modified the logo, preserving the graphic values of quality and presence, balancing the white spaces, improving the contrast, axis and style. We refine printing techniques, materials and finishes. All this to achieve an image that, like the Camino de Santiago, will last over time.