
9th Fl Sethiwan Tower 139 Pan Rd Silom Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Thailand

SayOhh! Spread+ : Packaging Design Project

Challenge: SayOhh! is a brand of Spread and dipping sauces that aims to be convenient, quick, and fun. It needs a brand name, slogan, and packaging for both products that stand out, catch the eye, and appeal to a younger audience, prompting them to say “Ohh!” in delight whenever they use them.

Idea: We’ve embraced a Pop Art cartoon-style graphic, which not only looks fun but also stands out effortlessly. This Style has never been used before in this category. For spread, we let various flavors of sauce flow onto different types of bread, and the colors help distinguish taste categories. As for dipping sauces, they play with the food they’re paired with, adding a touch of liveliness. The brand name “SayOhh!” is inspired by the concept of saying “Ohh!” with every interaction, and the slogan “Say ‘O’ with every bite”(O = OK).


9th Fl Sethiwan Tower 139 Pan Rd Silom Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Thailand
Strategic Design Agency: Ideogram Co., Ltd.
Inno Fresh Co., Ltd.