As an esteemed Dutch Genever brand, Hooghoudt set out on a captivating mission to unveil the rich historical narrative of Dutch Genever to the global stage. In a world where the consumption of genever is waning, Hooghoudt sought to reignite the flame of appreciation for this extraordinary spirit. Their vision was clear – to reintroduce the world to the unparalleled quality and authentic essence of genever, rekindling the love for this remarkable elixir in the hearts and minds of consumers around the world.
Since the introduction of the brand, Hooghoudt has seen excellent sales of De Borgen in duty-free, propelling company growth. The launch opened doors to the US market, enabling them to enhance brand awareness and solidify their expertise in the spirits world.
To help uplift the value of Genever and connect consumers to this wonderful spirit, the idea came up to resurrect the three pivotal epochs of Genever, each contributing to its unique character: the spirits rooted in 16th-century recipes, the techniques hailing from the 17th century, and the infusion of botanicals and distillation methods from the 19th century.
In weaving together these historical threads, Hooghoudt aspired to not only revive the heritage of Dutch Genever but also to celebrate its enduring legacy across the centuries. Embark on a journey with Hooghoudt as they bring to life the essence of Genever, harmonizing the past with the present for a truly exceptional experience.
The first challenge we had to take was crafting a strong brand that resonates with the captivating narrative of Genever, an authentic product deeply rooted in Dutch culture. The iconic fortresses (Borgen) safeguarding the city of Groningen, the proud home of Hooghoudt were the inspiration to create ‘De Borgen’. These walled fortresses now stand as the symbol of the brand, fiercely defending the values embodied in Genever.
Catchafish masterfully transformed the intricate world of Genever into an inspiring brand architecture, skillfully capturing the essence of each era with a distinctive touch. This approach resulted in a recognizable brand identity that brings the taste experience and historical atmosphere directly to the consumer, emphasizing the true value of Genever.
To express the products, we explored a multitude of possibilities, meticulously attending to every detail in each story. Our discussions delved into technical aspects, from print and production to handling, pushing boundaries to breathe life into each unique narrative.
For the 16th century, we opted for a rugged black jug, screenprinted, adorned with a copper finish, and sealed with wax. Embracing the baroque era of the 17th century, we employed a copper impact for unparalleled brilliance, keeping labels simple to accentuate the copper detailing. The 19th century saw a bottle inspired by chemists, showcasing botanical discoveries of that time.
As De Borgen has proven to be successful in duty-free shops and gained access to distribution in the US market, Canada, the UK, Germany and Italy, now the brand is ready to embark on the next chapter, introducing exciting new products to captivate enthusiasts and further expand its reach.