Modern World Studio

The task & our core ideas

Our clients at Hazelnuts farms entrusted us with the task of developing a name, logo, display boxes and series of packages for their new brand – PowerBoost. The core ideas behind this projects concept can be found in the thematic components of strength and health which are symbolised all throughout the brand, from the art to the name. The name PowerBoost propels an authentic feeling of rejuvenation which individuals who regularly exercise are so desperately looking for. The design for the logo utilises a bold yet fluid font which is very easy to discern from first glance. However, our goal was not to only make the logo clear but to push the existing creative boundaries in order to produce something which holds value and categorically distinguishes the brand. We had many initial ideas, but the idea of a bright red arrow reaching out of the letter “W” in the name PowerBoost was the addition we felt was perfect for the brand. This arrow signifies the rise of energy and power that comes with consumption of the rice bar, while simultaneously acting as a focus point which towers over the rest of the logo and defines it, making the brand truly memorable.

The Design

The face of the packaging was split into two distinct sections, the top section consisting of the brand name and the main text, accompanied by a white background that enhances the visibility of the text itself. Additionally, we made sure that the text “No added sugar” is just as readable as the brand due to the health benefits of the product being one of its main selling points. The bottom section features a text which has the flavour of each bar clearly written, with the colour for each flavour laying right behind the text. While the art itself combines both real photographs of the bar and stylised art of chocolate and the specific flavour.