Type Craft Brewery (Concept)

Derrick Lin

Designer: Christian Stueve
Project Type: Concept
Location: Hays, Kansas, USA
Packaging Contents: Beer
Packaging Materials: Paper, Glass

The people at Type Craft Brewery enjoy two things immensely, craft beer and typography. It would seem only natural that they would combine them. The style of beer is reflected in the type choice on it label. A heavy bold flavor would result in a type choice that matches those characteristics.

What’s Unique?
Type Craft Brewery pairs two ubiquitously loved things in the design community; typography and beer. But it goes one further by pairing the style of beer to a style of typography with similar traits. For example a Stout beer given its heavy body and pronounced flavor is paired with the slab serif typeface where as a Pilsner is paired with a Sans Serif because of its crisp taste and clean finish.