Cup Holder For Shopping Cart

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Derrick Lin

Agency: MarMel Studio
Designer: Mareks Melecis
Project Type: Self Promotion
Location: Vejle, Denmark
Packaging Contents: Drinking cup holder
Packaging Materials: Corrugated fiberboard

Free your hands while shopping!

Recently I got this idea and decided to put it into action. I am a father of a little boy which is why I consume a lot of coffee – everyday, everywhere! It is not an easy task to shop, hold coffee, and a kid at the same time. To make it easier, here is a foldable cup holder for a shopping cart.

Cup holder can be attached inside of a cart, allowing the user to hold a cup or beverage while shopping or moving cart. It may be used in shopping centers or airports.

A drink holder made of a single sheet of corrugated fiberboard, which is folded and with one gluing point. Two clippings allows to hang holder on the edge of a cart. Two additional incisions are designed to be folded inwards to support smaller beverage containers or canned drinks.

What’s Unique?
Simple cardboard sleeve lets you hang coffee cup on a shopping cart. Unfold and hang on the side of the cart.