Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (Student Work)

Derrick Lin

Designed by Ashley Walker, United States.

These macaroni boxes take advantage of the ever present macaroni smile used in the newest Kraft Macaroni and Cheese branding. To keep with the fun and kid-friendly nature of the product, the boring old rectangular box was trashed and replaced with these curved doo-dads. Of course, shelf space is an issue with boxes that don’t easily stack, so an in-aisle store display was created as well! The giant fork has a plastic bowl at the top that allows the boxes to be tossed in without thought, giving the illusion of a giant fork full of tasty Kraft Macaroni and Cheese!

  1. I like the idea and stand design! But the package itself looks like a piece of banana.

  2. A macaroni boxes? But it looks like a banana. But I still like the packaging concept, it was still attractive.

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Derrick Lin