Agency: Prompt Design
Executive Creative Director: Somchana Kangwarnjit, Prompt Design
Creative Director: Orawan Jongpisanpattana, Prompt Design
Designer: SKJ, Pongpipat Jetsadalak, Prompt Design
Account Executive: Nan Sirin, Prompt Design
Illustrator: Wanchana Intrasombat
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: VARA Food & Drink Co., LTD (Under Supervision of Singha Corporation)
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Packaging Contents: Energy Drink
Packaging Materials: Aluminum can
Several years ago the energy drink market was full of competitors which makes new energy drink entrant difficult to do marketing. Tigers Eye is the brand conveying a tiger energy story. Imagine a tiger staring its prey in the dark while stalking its prey, its energy is accumulated. When the right distant is reached, its power suddenly discharge all out to attack and catch the prey. This is the concept of Tigers Eye energy drink. It will build up your energy after you drink it.
The concept utilizes the blazing stripes on the tiger face to spark up feeling of power of drinking this energy drink through the tiger staring eyes at the prey. When the tiger eyes drink was launched to the market, its understandable and unique eye-catching appearance attracted the consumer’s attention over competitors resulting in some product shortage on the first launch.