
Warszawa, Polska

Creative Agency: Brandy Design
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Nanobiotech
Location: Poland
Packaging Contents: Beauty product, diet supplement and household chemicals
Packaging Materials: Plastic

NanoBioTech International is a company that distributes its products through a direct selling network.

Brandy Design worked on naming, logo and basic CI design for the three sub-brands of NBT: Nanobiocare, Nanobiotic, Nanobioclin.

Nanobiocare is a packaging line for nanobiotechnological beauty products containing particles of gold (Au) and silver (Ag) that aid in the skin’s natural regeneration process.

Nanobiotic is a packaging line for nanobiotechnological diet supplements containing particles of gold (Au) and silver (Ag).

Nanobioclin is a packaging line that consits of nanobiotechnological anti-crease ironing spray (containing particles of silver) and all-purpose, antibacterial cleaner (containing particles of copper).

The design challenge was to create a packaging that would stand out as ultra-innovative and credible. Our objective was to design a look for the product, that customers would trust.

Minimalism and modern design of the product, achieved by utilizing a very distinctive typography and thank to materials we used, allow to build a credible and exclusive character of a new brand Nanobiocare available only through direct sale.

What’s Unique?
Usage of chemical symbols of silver and gold underline a credible qualities of the product and the minimalism reflected its ultrainnovative character.