Designer: Herr Bürli
Project Type: Concept
Location: Berne, Switzerland
Packaging Contents: Vegetable stock/ broth
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper, Aluminium, Glass
Printing Process: Digital printing
The most ubiquitous products often come in the most boring package. Together with my wife, we re-engineered the humble vegetable stock, or broth. Our product is based on a simple-yet-genial recipe, consisting of pure raw vegetables preserved in crunchy sea salt. It has a one year shelf life, though we doubt it will see much of that shelf.
The packaging is a fine cubical paper box bound by a sash. Its paper has a natural feel, printed with illustrations of vegetables in old-fashioned cookbook style. Upon removing the sash, an aperture in the shape of an onion appears. Inside is a solid glass with a metal cap and label. The vessel has a handy, modern shape – and is perfectly air-tight.
A minimalist modern design contrasting with classic illustrations gives a certain graphic tension.
What’s Unique?
A product for Daily Life – redesigned with an attitude of High Value.