What a Load of Bull$#!t

Derrick Lin


Design: Brandéur Studios
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Location: USA
Packaging Contents: Organic Manure
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Flexible Bags
Printing Process: Rotogravure

Our client is a fertiliser manufacturer who approached us given our unorthodox branding strategies for product marketing. We’re of the opinion that if you can market and successfully sell a bag of $#!T, surely you can market anything!

We studied the fertiliser marketplace and noticed a common thread in packaging, brand voice and colour schemes amongst competitors. We redesigned our client’s packaging and created a unique brand voice to match. Currently a work-in-progress with a series of ‘break-the-noise’ packaging designs to come.

What’s Unique?
Manure retail packaging hasn’t changed for decades. We added a unique brand voice, imagery, colours and copy.