Design: Auca Design
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Cantina Indigeno
Location: Teramo, Italy
Packaging Contents: Wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, Paper
Cantina Indigeno, in the heart of Central Italy, produces natural wild wines from biological grapes with spontaneous fermentation.
Emancipate wine from extraneous elements is their mission. A tribal uprising to unite vineyard communities under an authentic idea, as a totem, that is an expression of truthfulness, homeland connection and mysterious spirituality.
With this briefing, I created the main illustration of Indigeno labels: the totem, venereted by a group of bizzare and grotesque characters. Then, these characters became each label fulcrum: Pirandello inspiration for Giara Wine, the metropolitan environment for MP3 Wine, the so italian escape on Lambretta for Gas Wine, and so on. Each label tell a story through the illustration and through the colors, that I choose to match the relative wine color.