Widarto Impact

Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia

Agency: Widarto Impact
Director of Strategy and Design: Eko Widarto
Location: Indonesia
Project Type: Concept
Packaging Contents: Beer, Alcohol
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass Bottle, Ceramic Bottle
Printing Process: Screen Printing, Digital Printing, Milling

BallO is a new beer brand from Sulawesi, Indonesia. BallO is made from the development of nipa trees, rice or palm trees with other secret recipes. The ancients believed that ballos were used for royal banquets.

Because it is made of wood tuning, we want to represent the wood element as the identity of BallO Beer Co which will be communicated through branding media, especially packaging. For this reason, we chose ceramic bottles with wooden graphics and halftone colors as characteristics for BallO Beer bottles. With a blend of vintage label designs, this package is increasingly attracting beer lovers to try BallO Beer.

What’s Unique?
The uniqueness of this packaging design is the bottle ceramics which gives rise to wooden graphics with the color of halftones.

Widarto Impact

Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia