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Derrick Lin


Agency: VRLN
Brand Designer: Paul Virlan
Location: Romania
Project Type: Produced
Client: Gilano
Product Launch Location: Pakistan
Packaging Contents: Dates
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Cardboard, Aluminium
Printing Process: Digital printing, gold foil, letterpress

Rebranding for one of the biggest dates exporter and dates processor of Pakistan, Gilano.

The company was founded in 1989 by Mr. Mundagar Merwanji. Prior to starting Gilano, Mr. Merwanji had worked for several years as a Factory Manager. That was a major food processing company, “Lipton Pakistan Ltd.”, a division of the multinational conglomerate, Unilever. In 1985 he started his own food quality assurance company. Named as “Commodities Inspection Company”.

The logo combines a date palm field with a simplified representation of a date. The visual system is inspired by The State Emblem of Pakistan.

What’s Unique?
The color of each packaging is inspired by the dominant color of the villages from where the dates come from.