Agency: DekoRatio Branding & Design Studio
Designer: Szani Mészáros
Designer: Dóri Novotny
Photographer: Kevin Harald Campean
Location: Hungary
Project Type: Produced
Client: Anjuna Ice Pops
Product Launch Location: Hungary
Packaging Contents: Ice pop
Packaging Substrate / Materials: bio-degradable paper
Printing Process: Digital (Grape oil-based printing, so also bio-degradable)
Anjuna Ice Pops is a Hungarian plant-based popsicle brand founded in 2015. They have their own stores in the heart of Budapest and near lake Balaton. We designed the logo and brand identity then, and now we got the chance to create the package designs for 6 flavours that are going to be available in InterSpar stores all over Hungary.
The brand’s main message is “Summer is a lifestyle”, hence our aim was to deliver this feeling through the design. Whether you’re at the beach, taking a break or cycling in the park, you can always pull out your Anjuna and enjoy a little piece of summer. Our main characters are doing just that and without guilt, since the popsicles are vegan and some of them even sugar-free.There are two types of boxes, for now, one is for the single products and there is a larger one that contains 15 ice pops. As for the colors, we chose similar shades to the popsicle’s and highlighted them with some other bolder colors, giving it a fresh tasty outlook.
And of course, the materials used for the packages are bio-degradable, as Anjuna strives to protect our precious globe. Give yourself some self love and prepare your tastebuds folks!
What’s Unique?
Our designs represent the “Summer is a lifestyle”feeling, hence we illustrated characters from real life who live for this motto. All the materials are bio-degradable, from the printing process to the paper and the foil that contains the ice pops.