Shipping wine and boxing it locally produces 50 percent less carbon than shipping glass bottles. Ami Ami, a wine company founded by two friends in California, thinks outside the bottle to offer beautiful French wine, in a box.
As featured on It’s Nice That, “Ami Ami tasked Wedge with coming up with a new way to brand boxed wine. This required breaking down a few preconceptions: that boxed wine implies a lower quality; that wine culture has to come with the fanfare and tradition of opening a corked bottle; and that glass bottles are more sustainable than other packaging options.
There are plenty of brands delivering fun, illustrated box and can-based wine – Bowl Grabber comes to mind as one serious contender immediately. Though, Wedge has managed to fuse playful, approachable graphics with a refined timelessness. Much of this comes from one of the studio’s main sources of inspiration on the project: Fortunato Depero, the Italian painter, artist and graphic designer known for creating the iconic cone bottle for Campari Soda, and pushing futurism into branding and beyond. Wedge returns to Depero’s signature paper cut style via Ami Ami, particularly in the illustrated characters that appear throughout.”
The logo was custom designed by Wedge, as well as the inky black typography which is inspired by vintage French wine crates. The logo features cup shapes that are repeated on the packaging design: 10 cups in total to gently indicate the number of glasses a box holds. The size of the box is custom, a cute and extra portable 1.5L to bring to the dinner party, to the picnic, or anywhere to enjoy good times with good people and great wine.