Project Overview:

Recognizing the dearth of premium-quality tomatoes in the local market, I embarked on a journey to conceptualize a tomato farm-inspired brand. This endeavor encompassed the development of the brand name, core values, logo design, as well as the creation of product lines, packaging solutions, and promotional animations.

“Angel Tomato emerges as a testament to our deep-rooted reverence for nature and unwavering commitment to superior product standards. Cultivated on our very own farm, our tomatoes epitomize meticulous attention to organic cultivation practices and plant nurturing.

Our extensive range of top-tier tomato products includes fresh varieties, sumptuous sauces, canned delights, and sun-drenched delicacies, among others. Each item undergoes rigorous quality checks, ensuring our customers indulge in the finest, most wholesome offerings.

We take immense pride in not only the visual and olfactory allure of our tomatoes but also their exceptional nutritional profile, nurtured by the unique growing environment of our farm. As we aspire to establish ourselves as a trusted supplier of fresh, delectable fare to retail outlets, supermarkets, and culinary establishments, we envision contributing to a healthier, more vibrant world.”

Design: Mikhail Pirogov
Illustration: Artichoke