ASTAL Fitness Shake | Packaging Design

ReBranding Studio



«ASTAL» Fitness Shake is a natural and balanced shake designed to maintain energy and health throughout the day.

The product is intended for active people who need a quick and healthy snack, whether it’s before a workout, in the office, or on the go.

The design is crafted in an eco-friendly European style.


The goal of the development was to create a visually appealing and easily recognizable design.

The color scheme is designed to evoke associations with naturalness and a healthy lifestyle. Green hints at health benefits, while burgundy creates a pleasant and “tasty” contrast. The text is written in a large, clear font, making the information easy to read. The main focus is on “Fitness Shake,” which gives a clear understanding of the product’s purpose.

Everything is balanced, nothing excessive — the packaging looks clean, modern, and harmonious.


The «ASTAL» audience includes people leading an active and conscious lifestyle who value balancing nutrition and physical activity.

Those who seek light and healthy snacks on the go, appreciate convenience and efficiency, and strive to choose healthy, natural options without extra effort.


«ASTAL» is positioned as a natural and convenient product for those striving for a healthy lifestyle.

The main direction is the combination of local values with European quality standards. The product emphasizes naturalness and health benefits, making it attractive to consumers who care about their health and prefer clean ingredients.