Agency: Diane Yuri
Project Type: Student Project
School: Swinburne University
Course: Package Design
Tutor: Areli Avendano-Franco
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Packaging Contents: Safety matches
Packaging Materials: Paper
Matches are products that have been around for two centuries. Throughout this time, there haven’t been many changes in the product or its packaging—most probably due to the fact that matches are very simple tools, and the conventional rectangular box contains them very well. Technology, however, had managed to turn this fire starting tool into an even more convenient durable product in the form of disposable plastic lighters. Since these lighters are so cheap and accessible, we have become so used to this usage that we overlook how much of this consumption ends up polluting our own natural environment. Millions of these lighters are thrown out everyday, and most of these very durable, non-biodegradable plastic end up as landfill. This new matches packaging is an attempt to alleviate this waste problem. Through innovation in the structure of the form, it seeks to rebrand matches as an effective fire starter. Using visual cues in the design, this packaging does more than simply contain a product. By encouraging people to switch from lighters to matches, it also encourages sustainable behaviour and lifestyle. Ultimately, this design seeks to promote sustainability, the earth and its people.
What’s Unique?
This hexagonal feature uses around 40% less packaging than the current matchboxes. This interesting shape also allows for limited design elements, greatly reducing ink use. Along with the cheeky name and the witty taglines, the consumer is invited to play with the idea of “falling in love” with an “old” product all over again. The idea is that matches are their “first love” for fire starting and they are better than what they are currently using right now. To take out a matchstick, the user only needs to slide the top cover halfway off with one hand. The user can then make a flicking movement to get a single matchstick out and then pick it up.