In 2010 the United Nations declared access to clean drinking water and sanitation to be a basic human right (Resolution 64/292). Resolution 64/292 has inspired us in 2011 to develop MARIE-STELLA-MARIS. Through sharing our personal interests and by offering a broad range of water and care products we are capable to change the life of others. For each product you purchase, MARIE-STELLA-MARIS donates a fixed amount towards clean drinking water projects worldwide.
We offer a broad range of care products, which are manufactured in Sweden. Our collection of care products is made using high quality ingredients. Our collection of 120 products offers a broad range of soaps, oils, scrubs and other products for the skin, body and hair for all skin types. The collection also contains home products such as scented candles and room sprays. For each product you purchase, we contribute a fixed amount towards clean drinking water projects.