Designed by DDB Design, Sweden.
Visual identity and packaging design for Zoégas limited edition series “Limited Blend”.
Zoégas is a Swedish coffee company founded in the 1800s, that specialises in dark roasted coffee.
Limited Blend No. 1 from Tanzania is the first edition of a limited series roasted whole beans from around the world. The design is created to stand out among competitors, generate interest as a limited edition premium series, and enhance Zoégas position as the best in knowledge and development of new blends and compositions.
We drew inspiration from classic flavor and premium products, such as whiskey, champagne and perfume. We created an expression that highlights information about the product, origin and flavor description, in a competent and sophisticated way. The black / white design creates a transparency that focuses on the story behind the product.
Anna Harrysson, Account Director
Eva Aggerborg, Design Director
Linus Östberg, Senior Designer
Jeffrey Salomonsson, Copywriter