Derrick Lin


Designed by Version-X Design, United States.

Macadamia Natural Oil is a Los Angeles based haircare company that produces a line of professional haircare products based around Macadamia and Argan Oil. We were approached by Macadamia to create their brand from the ground up including logo, packaging, website, marketing materials, etc.

We wanted to create a look for the line that felt both modern and natural, while also having some Middle Eastern and Pacific Island flavor to represent the sources of the main ingredients. We chose to use shrink sleeves for the packaging which let us use a full coverage pattern on each bottle.

We take our image very seriously at Metropolis, which is why we work closely with Version-X Design to help us create a visual experience that makes our products jump off the shelves. They really understand our market and how to make us stand out from the crowd. They are an indispensable part of our team.

John – CEO, Metropolis Technology