Design: NEOM
Location: Italy
Project Type: Produced
Client: Migliora
Product Launch Location: Italy
Packaging Contents: Milk powder
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Can
Printing Process: Roto

The new ‘MAMO’ brand presents a range of baby food that features food that goes beyond nutriment to feed the sensations, so important for children.

Aim: To create an identity that is soft and appeals to the world of children but, at the same time, is strong to guarantee the products for the parents. A character has been created who tells stories that open the mind and emotions and, at the same time, tell of the properties of the products.

What’s Unique?
The idea that babies do need more than “just” food because they must be feeded as a complex whole entity that needs care, presence of thei parents, fairy tails, coddles…and love in every forms.