Al Parque

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Derrick Lin

Agency: Aldas Brand
Industrial Designer: Alejandra Forero
Graphic Designer: Mauro Medoza
Printing: Greenpack S.A.S
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Al Parque
Location: Bogotá, Colombia
Packaging Contents: Food, Healthy, Lunch, Picnic
Packaging Material: Eco cardboard printed in one ink and paste with water-based glue

This project offers the consumer a healthy and nutritious meal under the concept “ food tastes better when shared with friends”. It seeks to promote lifestyles allowing people to enjoy their lunch time outdoors like if having a picnic.

The image of AL PARQUE was inspired on memories and memorable moments like spending the afternoon with friends, breathing fresh air, laying on the grass, feeling the breeze, jumping, laughing, running and, needless to say, eating in a healthy manner. Our idea was based on simple but distinctive characteristics, we mixed both classic and modern attributes, we relied on clean typographies, we used freehand lined icons and coloured containers that hold the brand.

We were focused on developing an structure inspired on picnic baskets that could hold everything necessary to enjoy a meal at any place. Bearing in mind that the brand aims to promote and to sell a healthy product we decided to develop an environmental-friendly packaging that required just one ink, water-based glue and eco cardboard. Developed from a single die, the package achieves a high level of dynamism given that it offers a large variety of lunch options including paining, soups, and salads, all of them served with fruit and juice, and all of them which fit into the same structure of packaging.