PROPERCORN Brand Evolution

Derrick Lin


Designed by : PROPERCORN (in-house)
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Location: London, UK
Packaging Material: Matte foil

Cassandra Stavrou, PROPERCORN’s co-founder, designed our initial packaging 3 years ago. The first crude sketches were created by pen and Powerpoint and brought to life through the wonderful illustrations of Zoe More O’Ferrall. As the brand has evolved, package design has developed into a truly collaborative process within the team, with each piece developed in-house from concept to artworking. Our new packaging was illustrated by the enormously talented, Edward Wood, who also drew all the typography. The level of care and thought that goes into every part of the brand and, more specifically, its aesthetics, is something that we never compromise on.

What’s Unique?
76% of decisions are made at the shop shelf edge so we need to be distinctive . This February, we are proud to introduce the recent evolution of our brand, PROPERCORN, to both the snack and the design worlds.

We aim to make everything the best it can possibly be and strive to break snack category convention at every stage of our brand’s development. We have simplified our new packaging, working closely with colour, layout, illustration and typography to create expressive packaging that is as at home on the front row of London Fashion Week as it is on a supermarket shelf.

Typically, health food can appear bland and sterile and taste isn’t conveyed in a meaningful or appealing way. Using illustration and hand rendered typography we have brought each flavour combination to life in a visually arresting and dynamic way. From vibrant red tomatoes to fresh green palms, the illustrations offer a look beyond the aesthetic of the packaging to the story of the ingredients and instil the packs with an energy and character that runs throughout the collection.