Derrick Lin


Design Agency: Topping Creative Studio
Graphic Designer, Package Design: Bruno Viegas
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Amour Gourmet
Location: Portugal
Packaging Contents: Chocolates
Packaging Materials: Craft Paper, Paper

Love Project – by Amour Gourmet

Amour Gourmet is brought to you through partnerships with local producers, who work and develop products with the sole intention of keeping its true flavor unchangeable.

Since the project is all about partnerships between Amour Gourmet chocolates and other producers to create limited edition flavors, the goal was to develop a box that could be used with any producer while keeping the costs low. So we developed a simple box branded with the name of the project, designed so that a strap with all the information (ingredients, partner, how to use, etc.) that could be applied with the current partnership. that way, we kept the costs low by printing always the same box for any partner involved and just changing the strap.